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Contact us…

Thank you for coming to our website, if you have a quick question that you were not able to find here please feel free to reach out to Cub Scout Pack 446:

Membership Chair Victoria Tran

Cubmaster Jerry Restrepo

Recruitment 2022

Pease join us at the following recruitment events coming up for Pack 446, or if you are ready to join great, click button below:

August 25, 2022 6:30 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. @ Silvercrest Elementary “Meet the Teacher Night” 

September 14, 2022 6:30 P.M. – 7:30 P.M. @ Silvercrest Elementary “Rally Night”

September 18, 2022 T.B.D. @ Southwyck Park “Den Formation/Bobcat in the Park”

Quick link — Join here — 

So you may be asking, “aww shucks, I missed Rally Night’ how can i join?” No worries we take new scouts in YEAR ROUND. Follow the link/button above and let’s get the ball rolling. It’s NEVER too late to start creating awesome memories with your new Den mates.


Of course you got questions, and hopefully we can get you the answers you need. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions we get:

  1. What uniform and handbook will we need, and where do I get them?

Pack 446 has two uniforms that are used for meetings. The Class A which is a buttoned shirt with patches and badges signifying the scouts rank used for pack meetings and occasional den meetings. These are available for sale at the local scout shops. The Class B is a red t-shirt provided by the pack upon initial registration. We can only provide one so we recommend you get a size up to allow for your scout to grow into them. Also, the handbook is provided with your yearly dues, as they “rank up”. The Pack will provide each scout with his/her book for each year. 

2.  What is a Pack and what is a Den?

The Pack is made up of multiple dens. Cub scouts and their families come together to a pack meeting to engage in fun activities and to recognize the youth for that months achievements. A den is a small group based on grade level and gender, called a Den. Parents in your Den work together to meet two to three times a month to work on Cub Scout activities. Ideally two parent volunteers become the Den Leader and Asst. Den leader. They coordinate meetings and use the den leader plans to deliver the Cub Scout program. 

3.  What is rank advancement and how does it work?

Each Cub Scout level is known as a rank and has an animal or symbol associated with it. Advancements refer to the completion of the required adventures in their respective handbook. Most adventure activities will be worked on as a den, but some may/wil be worked on as a family. Once all required activities are completed the youth will earn an adventure belt loop. After earning a number of adventures and completing other requirements they will be awarded their rank badge. This badge gets sewn on their Class A’s

4.  Who is Akela?

Ákela is the Cub Scout term for Leader. At home YOU are Akela. At Den meetings the Den Leader is Akela and the Cubmaster serves as Akela during Pack Meetings. All who serve as Akelas have a responsibility to the entire Pack that they and the youth in their Pack and/or Den act In accordance with the scout oath and law. 

5.  Do you offer financial assistance?

Yes, we realize that sometime the want is there but the financial hurdle may be challenging. As an organization we do not want to see ANY child miss out on the wonderful opportunities that scouting can offer. If your family is finding it difficult to meet scoutings financial obligations please feel free to reach out to the Treasurer at or the Pack Secretary at Any and all information will be held in confidentiality. The only concern we have is to make sure no child is denied an opportunity to experience scouting. 

6.  Is it true both boys AND girls can join?

YES, proudly as a Pack we made the decision to open our pack to all children. We have seen from many families that join that both boys and girls benefit and enjoy the scouting experience. So please consider signing up your boys and girls! Here they are both welcomed and will get to benefit from the amazing leadership and program that we have established here!

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